Thursday, 21 April 2011

Buried 2500 Years, The brain in the skull Still Intact


The discovery of the brain in the skull more than 2,500 years old at Heslington East, England, shocked the world. Experts believe the organ during this, the brain is part of the body's most easily damaged and become fluid after death. The reason, the high fat content.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

There is a Monkey, Eat like a Cow


Ruminant animals, like cows, are known to have four stomachs. Kala eat, food will go to one of the abdominal cavity and then vomited again into the mouth. Thereafter, then other food into the stomach and absorbed by the intestines and waste excreted through the anus.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Two New Species of Snake


Scientists discover new species of venomous snake pit viper family in Southeast Asia. This discovery was the result of an expedition to collect snakes from several countries, namely Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

To Mars, Use Water Fueled Aircraft

 Illustration of the concept of water-fueled aircraft equipped with solar cells  
for space exploration in the future.
Travel into space, including Mars, will probably be much cheaper. The reason, scientists are now developing water-fueled plane. With a plane, go home fare to Mars could cost as cheap as the launch of a single plane.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Is there water on Mercury?


Observation of Mercury will begin officially on April 4, 2011 with the help of spacecraft Messenger spacecraft already orbiting the planet. Mapping the entire surface of Mercury will be done to uncover the mysteries of geology, history and that planet formation.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Artificial Leaves Can Perform Photosynthesis

Successfully created an artificial leaf that can process sunlight and water into energy efficient as the original leaf. In the event the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, recently, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced their success in making artificial leaves made ​​of materials that are stable and not expensive, but has the nature of the original leaf.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Outer Space Smell Like "Steak" Burn Out


Outer space turned out to have a smell which mostly originate from dying stars. The mixture of diesel smoke, hot metal, and the aroma of burnt barbeque's, something like that's the smell of space. The mixture smells of dead star called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Save Electricity in the Air Liquid


A British company developed a technique of storing energy generated from wind power and sunlight. This technique uses air stored in liquid form.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

The phenomenon of "Fire Falls" as high as 600 Meters


Viewing the falls may have been the norm. However, what about the "fire falls"? This is a unique phenomenon that can be seen at Horsetail Falls in Yosemite National Park, California. The fire was contained in the group plunged the Sierra Nevada mountains, west of Lake Tahoe, having a height of 2,000 feet or about 600 meters.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Human Magnet : Mystery or Physics?


Discovery News doubt the ability of magnetic (or supernatural) belongs to Bogdan, a boy from Serbia, so the furniture can be attached to the skin. There is an explanation to the physics of the "ability" is.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Shining Cloud, What Is That ?


The night sky will usually only lit moon and stars. However, in very rare cases, the night sky can also be illuminated by the luminous clouds that reflect sunlight.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

How To Make Leaves Christmas Tree Not falling


This information is useful for those of you who like to put a Christmas tree to enliven the atmosphere of the birthday of Jesus Christ. Of course, this applies if your Christmas tree is a real fir tree, not made ​​of plastic.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Physics Nobel Highlight the Future of "Graphene"

STOCKHOLM - Two Russian-born scientist, Andre Geim and Novoselov Konstantin, was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physics for breakthrough isolating graphene, the strongest material but the thinnest in the world, with easy and simple way. The invention enables the production of graphene cheaply for a wide range of technology industries in the future.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Smart Bandages that can Monitor Wound


Researchers at the Fraunhofer Research Institute, Germany, to make bandages that can change color to indicate the condition of the wound bandage. If the bandage changed to the color purple, wound infection underneath.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

NASA and GM Make Astronauts Robot

WASHINGTON - Space Mission for this must be done full precision and caution due to radiation exposure in space directly without a hitch. An astronaut must also follow strict procedures and use special clothing to be safe during the work.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Algae Could Be paper-thin battery


Imagine one day you can wrap a gift with wrapping paper that read "Happy Birthday!" which can be lit without a conventional battery as we know it, because the paper itself the batteries. That is one possible use of new batteries are made from cellulose, ie paper material, so that environmentally friendly because it can be parsed natural.

Love Hormones Found in Monkey

Oxytocin was found in all mammals, but oxytocin was found in monkeys is different.

The term puppy love is often used to describe the love of teenagers who are not serious. But apparently even a monkey could love. The scientists managed to find love in monkeys hormone called oxytocin. Called the love hormone oxytocin plays for regulating the activity of reproductive organs and social behavior, such as ties between groups, mother and child.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Astronomers Capture Image "Star Married"

Computer simulation that shows the two stars orbit each other.

Scientists know that the two stars could be like a human one by a rope tied to marriage. However, for many years to find, astronomers have not found it. Until finally some good news coming from Romuald Tylenda, the Polish astronomer, who managed to capture images that marry the star phenomenon. 

Angola's First Dinosaur Fossils


Illustration of the first dinosaur found in Angola.

JOHANNESBURG - Many years of war ravaged, Angola turned out to save the prehistoric impressions are important for science. For the first time, after a period of peace, the scientists found dinosaur fossils in southwest Africa.

The findings were published in a paper in the journal Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Science. These are the types of sauropod dinosaurs with long necks, plant-eating herbivores alias, and including the largest creature in the world of all time.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

NASA Aircraft has been Orbited on Mercury


Messenger spacecraft Aviation and Space Agency of the United States (NASA) has finally managed to orbit the planet Mercury. Messenger must maneuver in orbit Earth once, Venus twice and Mercury three times in the exploration for 7 years before successfully orbited.

Radiation Dose Human Acceptable

Red Cross volunteers who had just returned from Fukushima scanned to ensure the presence 
or absence of exposure to nuclear radiation leaks from nuclear power plants.

Radiation not only come from nuclear, but also can come from our environment. Radiation originating from natural background is often called the cosmos. Apart from nature, radiation can also come from medical treatment such as CT scans, X-rays, and so forth.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Hoping to Asteroids with Orion Capsule


NASA is now developing a vehicle that in the long term, it is expected most rapidly in 2019, could deliver astronauts to an asteroid and a moon of Mars. Vehicle called the Orion capsule and developed together with leading aircraft developers, Lockeed Martin.

Meteorite chunk of 10,000 U.S. Dollars

Chunks of the meteor that crashed in Sudan in 2008.

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, USA, has just bought a meteorite from a doctor. No responsibility, the museum bought the meteorite was a price of 10 thousand U.S. dollars.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

The explosion in the Light of the Moon Aurora


Aurora borealis is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena on Earth. Recording beauty with the camera, much less under the full moon light, it is not easy because the aurora borealis light will "lose" by moonlight.

However, a German photographer Kerstin Langenberger managed to do. In the photo, the aurora borealis visible light in the light of the Moon, as this phenomenon emerged in broad daylight.

Biggest sky objects in the Universe


The Universe consists of celestial objects. Among the celestial bodies, there are some which included the largest in size. Here is the largest celestial bodies according to its category.

Largest Planet

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. But, the biggest planet in the universe is TrES-4b found in 2006, orbiting a star 1500 light years away from Earth. The diameter of the planet is 1.8 larger than Jupiter.
The biggest planet is still in debate following the results of recent observations EASP-17b. Extra solar planet is located 1000 light years from Earth and has a mass half that of Jupiter is said to have 2 times the diameter of Jupiter.

The biggest artifact

So far the largest artifact in the universe adalan International Space Station which has a width of 190 meters and weighs 370 tons. In this case the artifacts are man-made celestial bodies.

Largest galaxy

Based on the standard model of galaxy formation, the largest is a monster elliptical galaxies formed from the merger of smaller galaxies. Examples are the biggest galaxy IC 1101 in the form of the lens. This galaxy located billions of years from Earth,in the middle of the galaxy cluster Abell 2029. The diameter of this galaxy to reach 6 million light years, making it a thousand times the volume of the Milky Way.

The biggest hole

What is meant not the black hole, but it is a stretch of darkness. Galaxies are arranged in a large wall-sized a few hundred light years away with an empty space in between. Found the biggest empty space in 2007 measuring nearly a billion light.

The biggest Stars

The biggest star is VY Canis Majoris, located 5000 light years from Earth. Diameters estimated at 3 billion kilometers. The estimate was clarified again because some astronomers estimate  that only 1 billion kilometers in diameter.