The Universe consists of celestial objects. Among the celestial bodies, there are some which included the largest in size. Here is the largest celestial bodies according to its category.
Largest Planet
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. But, the biggest planet in the universe is TrES-4b found in 2006, orbiting a star 1500 light years away from Earth. The diameter of the planet is 1.8 larger than Jupiter.
The biggest planet is still in debate following the results of recent observations EASP-17b. Extra solar planet is located 1000 light years from Earth and has a mass half that of Jupiter is said to have 2 times the diameter of Jupiter.
The biggest artifact
So far the largest artifact in the universe adalan International Space Station which has a width of 190 meters and weighs 370 tons. In this case the artifacts are man-made celestial bodies.
Largest galaxy
Based on the standard model of galaxy formation, the largest is a monster elliptical galaxies formed from the merger of smaller galaxies. Examples are the biggest galaxy IC 1101 in the form of the lens. This galaxy located billions of years from Earth,in the middle of the galaxy cluster Abell 2029. The diameter of this galaxy to reach 6 million light years, making it a thousand times the volume of the Milky Way.
The biggest hole
What is meant not the black hole, but it is a stretch of darkness. Galaxies are arranged in a large wall-sized a few hundred light years away with an empty space in between. Found the biggest empty space in 2007 measuring nearly a billion light.
The biggest Stars
The biggest star is VY Canis Majoris, located 5000 light years from Earth. Diameters estimated at 3 billion kilometers. The estimate was clarified again because some astronomers estimate that only 1 billion kilometers in diameter.

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