Aurora borealis is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena on Earth. Recording beauty with the camera, much less under the full moon light, it is not easy because the aurora borealis light will "lose" by moonlight.
Langenberger managed to take pictures after menantia for 300 hours waiting for that phenomenon to appear. He reveals, "Aurora should be very bright to be visible when there is the Moon. It seldom happens that a picture like this is very rare."
Photo Langenberger successfully reveals the beauty of Þingvellir National Park, where an image into one of UNESCO world heritage site. In the photograph, the aurora appears as an explosion of light green and purple.
Aurora found at the North Pole and South Pole of Earth. Aurora encountered at the north pole is called the Aurora Borealis or Northern Light Pole while the levels found in the south called the Aurora Australis.
This phenomenon arises due to charged particles from the Sun that is delivered to the Earth. Particles are attracted by Earth's magnetic field, releasing energy to produce light in a layer of the ionosphere.
Sudden appearance. Langenberger must arrive at the site during the day so they can prepare all the tools to photograph. At night, he must patiently wait for the auroras come.
"The difficulty is knowing where and what kind of aurora appeared later. For a long time, nothing happened and could only wait. However, suddenly experiencing an explosion the night sky aurora," said Langenberger.
Langenberger reveals, "aurora explosion usually last up to several minutes, then he would disappear. Aurora may arise again, but could not. Nobody knows the future."
Aurora is not only able to appear on Earth. Hubble Space Telescope has captured the phenomenon of auroras on Jupiter and Saturn, even the satellites of Jupiter are Io, Europa and Ganymede. Uranus and Neptune are also reported to have auroras.

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